Sunday, November 9, 2008

Observation Week #3

If one thing has remained constant throughout the MicroAquarium (M.A.) project, it is that when the water level changes, everything inside the water changes. This week I arrived at the lab to observe my MicroAquarium to find that about 1/4 of the had evaporated (leaving the food pellet from last week above the waterline). An overall decrease in the number of microorganisms present seems to have taken place due to the decrease in water level.

I was able to find at least one of each of the microorganisms that I had found the past two weeks except for two of them. The Midge I had obsereved in the sediment at the bottom of the MicroAquarium last week was still in the sediment not too far from where I first saw it. There were Rotifer to be found all throughout M.A., as they have been since the begining.

The two microorganisms I could not find that I had in weeks past, were the Lacymaria or the Cyclops. The numbers of these two that I had previously seen was low and even after checking in the places where I seen them before, I could not find a single one of them.

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